One week course at CSM with Sean Myers
when Design meets Nature
The following prints are various experimentations on some printmaking techniques,
based on the concept of DESIGN and NATURE,
showing how sometimes design gets inspired from nature.
PHOTO TRANSFER | Iznik tile and Hop Leaf

Photo Transfer, Inked Plate + Stencil
Photo Transfer, Mono Print // Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil // Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil, Mono Print Plate + Stencil
Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil, Mono Print // Mono Print Plate + Stencil, Mono Print // Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil, Mono Print
Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil, Mono Print Plate + Stencil
APPROACHES TO A FINAL PIECE // when Design meets Nature
Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil, Photo Transfer, Inked plate with Extender Base + Stencil, Drypoint
Ink and Whitespirit + Stencil, Photo Transfer, Inked plate with Extender Base + Stencil, Collage
mamma mia
Eliminael món un dia ho sabrà, de moment primícies i honors de veure-ho, que bé:) fa casi mal el blau de l'ull, aquí al final, però tot és com (si em deixes dir-te què em fa pensar) aigua, i translúcid, i bell, i mola molt poder espiar el procés:)
ResponEliminam'agrada molt saber què et fa pensar!! molt aquós, sí! gràcies per compartir-ho:) (la foto de l'ull li vaig robar al nico, em va encantar)